Remodeling Massage

The main difference between this technique and conventional massage is the effect on the skin and tissues located between the muscles. More precisely, on the connective tissue - fascia. The skin undergoes a deep regenerative effect, which, relaxing muscles and relieving tension, eliminates many aesthetic problems. Muscles, in a state of spasm, prevent movement of blood and lymph. They receive less nutrients and their ability to cleanse tissues decreases. This leads to skin appearing dull and tired, clear contour is lost, obvious wrinkles appear. The clamps are removed as a result of applying pressure to the trigger points - places of concentration of muscle cramps and stresses. As a result, the so-called “mini-lifting” of the face occurs: wrinkles in the area of the eyes, forehead are smoothed out, nasolabial folds become less noticeable. Fascia is a sheath of dense connective fibers covering all organs. It is part of the structure of the ligaments and tendons, ensuring the attachment of muscles to the bones, forming a kind of “shell” around the muscles. From stress, tension and fatigue, the fascia elasticity is lost, it becomes stiff and less flexible.The goal of REMODELING MASSAGE is to restore fascia functioning. This will increase muscle elasticity , lessen skin aging processes and prevent age-related changes.Therefore, it is important to maintain it in good condition.

Remodeling Massage


  • Toxins get removed as a result of lymph movement.
  • Face muscle tension ,will decrease.
  • Muscle fibers become strong and more elastic.
  • Puffiness goes away, face regains healthy color, skin texture improves.
  • Facial contour gets sharper, wrinkles get smoother.
  • Double chin gets reduced.
  • Dry skin gets more hydrated.

Remodeling Massage

This Facial Massage is generally safe. However, if you suffer from one or more of the conditions below, please call us at 416.817.6487 to see if this procedure is right for you:

  • The presence of visible problems on the skin:damage,acne,dermatitis, other skin diseases.
  • Recent face peeling, injections of botox, fillers, thread lift or surgical intervention.
  • Significant number of Papillomas.
  • Herpes active sores.

  • Rosacea, Couperose.
  • Unstable blood pressure.
  • Trigeminal nerve inflammation.
  • Inflammation or Swelling of lymph nodes, Cancer.
  • Pacemaker.
  • Pregnancy.
  • Epilepsy.
  • Present Respiratory(cold, flu).

Remodeling Massage

Woman and men under 25 may not even think about such a correction method, since at this age there are no indications for it. Up to the age of 30, muscle tone is maintained at a natural level, and it do not need to be additionally stimulated. An exception may be a situation when premature skin aging starts. In this case, a REMODELING MASSAGE is acceptable for young skin. But it can be carried out no more than once a week. You can begin full sessions after 30 years old. At this time, the skin begins to undergo age-related changes, and it is important to take them under control in a timely manner. Most often, the full course contains 10-15 sessions. Their number is discussed individually with each patient. Esthetician determines skin features and nuances, face and neck condition, and determines how many sessions are necessary for correction.Cleaning, moisturizing, and nutrition should be regularly used on the skin in between massage sessions. By combining or alternating the REMODELING MASSAGE with other types of massage, more substantial results can be achieved. A noticeable result from the massage could be seen after a first visit. Massage is performed 1-2 times per week.One session includes face cleaning, massage and mask, and lasts about an hour and a half.